- Waka Waka (Jongo, Cameroon)
- Sweet the Evening Air of May (Hungarian round)
- 2-way tie:
— Country Life (England)
— Owl’s Lullaby (Bob Nolan) - 2-way tie:
— Shineda (Dine Corn Song by Sharon Burch)
— Midnight Special
(Hudie Ledbetter) - Ragaputi (India)
- I’ll Tell My Ma (Ireland)
- 3-way tie:
— Sliver (poem Walter De La Mare, music Julie Olsen Edwards)
— Czeck Composers (Modern Round)
— Aztec Lullaby (Mayan) - Magwanim Pulele (Swahili)
- The Dolphin Song (Ginny Clemens)
- Froggie Went A Courting (USA: original by Thomas Ravencroft)