1. The Dolphin Song (Ginny Clemmens) (17 votes, 8 stars)
  2. Cotton fields (12 votes, 1 star)
  3. I’ll Tell My Ma (11 votes, 4 stars)
  4. Midnight Special (10 votes, no stars)
  5. 3-way tie: (9 votes, no stars)
    Freedom (introduced to us by Lisa Fitch)
    John Henry
  6. Back of the Bus (8 votes, 2 stars)
  7. 3-way tie: (8 votes, 1 star)
    Goleegandom (Farsi from Iran)
    When I First Came to This Land (Oscar Brand)
    Swingin Along the Open Road
  8. South Australia (8 votes, no stars)
  9. 2-way tie: (7 votes, 1 star)
    Traveling Candyman
    Kwaheri (Africa)
  10. 3-way tie: (7 votes, no stars)
    Hey Ho, Nobody Home (Round)
    Riding the Dragon (China)
    Going Down The Road (Woody Guthrie)